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Daniel reid diet -

19-12-2016 à 19:56:42
Daniel reid diet
Excretory system: colon, kidneys, bladder, lymph nodes, skin. Also due specifically to poor metabolism of fats. The colon fills with mucus, feces and toxic by-products of fermentation and putrefaction, which impair peristalsis, irritates the colon, and eventually poisons the bloodstream by osmosis. I finally, in the end, blame the individual. By saturating the system daily with abundant quantities of pure alkaline water, pollutants are continuously flushed from the blood and tissues and eliminated through the kidneys, bowels and skin. You ask anyone who makes these things: What do you do. You close the container so no air gets in, no oxygen. Respiratory system: lungs, bronchial tubes, throat, nose, sinuses. Other beneficial foods: all raw vegetables and raw fruits which provide the active enzymes, organic alkaline minerals and moist raw fiber required for digestive and metabolic efficiency. Severe inflammation and irritation of the lining of the stomach and duodenum owing to fermentation and putrefaction of incompatible combinations of foods, excess consumption of chemical additives and preservatives, excess alcohol, and excessively stimulating spices. You claim that food giants can more or less do what they want, even if their products are harmful to human health. Foods to avoid: pasteurized milk, cooked eggs, overcooked meats, refined sugars and starches. Grapes: raw dark grapes, pulp or juice, 1-2 pounds daily, exclusive of other food, 1-3 days. Carrot juice: fresh raw carrot juice is one of the best liver detoxifiers when consumed in quantities of 2-3 pints daily. In turn, excessive levels of acid residues in the blood and tissues suppress immune response, interfere with normal metabolism, inhibit digestion and assimilation, promote fungal and bacterial infections, and cause all sorts of other biological malfunctions and ill health. You must always remember to drink at least 2-3 litres per day of pure, preferably alkaline water, in order to neutralize, dilute and flush away the large amounts of acids and other toxic wastes. Other beneficial foods: zucchini, raw tomatoes, raw apples (on empty stomach), dark grapes. This is a list of health conditions and the best therapeutic foods and juices to take, and the foods to avoid. This is equivalent to changing the dirty motor oil in your car, as well as the battery, brake and transmission fluids. I can tell you a dozen alternatives, and the first one is detox. The health authorities protect them (the food giants). Researchers are now pointing to diet as one of the leading causes of cancer. The alternatives are very simple: first of all, inform yourself. Internal toxicity causes a state of acidosis in the body. Pork, basically, is hard to digest and is very acid-forming anyway, under the best of circumstances. The test for a food being suitable for human beings is can you eat it raw. Raw foods are such excellent and efficient detoxifiers that they cause a cathartic excretion of accumulated toxins, usually through the skin (for example, orange liver bile excreting through the skin owing to large intake of raw carrot juice). Summer squash: especially rich in sodium, summer squash is an excellent alkalizing remedy for acidosis of liver and blood due to depressed liver function. By Daniel Reid ( The Tao of Health and The Tao of Detox ).

The basic problem: why now, instead of one in 100 people getting cancer, in 1913, one in three gets it. The swiftest and most effective dietary alkalizers are freshly extracted raw juices, such as carrot and beetroot juice. First thing each morning, before eating any food, drink two glasses of ionised, alkaline, micro-clustered water to flush mucus and acids from the stomach, give the bloodstream an alkaline boost and rehydrate the cells and tissues. The most corrupt organization in the American government is the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). They were drinking eight, nine cans a day. Excessive consumption of devitalized and cooked foods, especially in incompatible combination, results in sluggish bowels and chronic constipation. Alkalization can be achieved fairly quickly be adjusting the diet to strictly limit intake of acid-forming foods, while increasing consumption of alkaline-forming foods. They let things like aspartame go on the market, which is what they put in Diet Coke. Excess adipose tissue deposited throughout the body, especially abdomen, buttocks and thighs, owing to excessive consumption of refined starch and sugar and habitual consumption of incompatible food combinations. Excess consumption of concentrated starch and sugar, and too much cooked meat in the diet, are major factors. I do in a way blame the irresponsibility of the manufacturers. The first and foremost measure against this dangerous condition which often results in surgical colostomies is to thoroughly clean out the colon of putrefactive wastes and solid obstructions with a 7-day fast and twice daily colonic irrigations followed by dietary adjustments to prevent occurrence. Hundreds of millions of people in Indonesia and all around Southeast Asia live on white rice. Abdominal pain caused by excess gas and acid owing to fermentation and putrefaction of improperly combined foods. Drinking Coca-Cola is the most acid-forming thing you can possibly do. Drinking lots of pure alkaline water throughout the day is another effective way to alkalize your blood and tissues quickly by dietary means. Temporarily it works because it kills cancer but it kills the liver and everything else, too. Inflammation of the colon owing to prolonged chronic constipation and a critical deficiency of live active enzymes and moist raw fiber in the diet. Plain yogurt only, may be flavored with a little molasses, if desired. When we stopped being hunter-gatherers and nomads and settled down in places, the only way to feed that many people was by growing grains. Surely the public is protected by the various government agencies. Other beneficial foods: almonds, molasses, raw apples, raw tomatoes, papaya. Detoxify now for health, sex and spiritual well being. We all know what happens with the waste product of breathing and respiration: you burn the oxygen leave the carbon dioxide, and when you metabolize, you burn sugar, you burn protein, fat. They were surfers in Australia, in the sun every day and considered they ate healthily. Hives, rashes, runny nose and other irritations after consuming certain foods, usually fresh raw foods. Gastric distress in stomach owing to excess gas and acid formed by incompatible combinations of foods, stimulating spices, alcohol, coffee and other irritants.

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